Browse Paints Carried By Allandale Decorating Centre
Allandale offers the finest selection of Benjamin Moore Paints, and other quality products. We work with you to understand your project requirements and we recommend the most effective painting solution or paint system.

Aura Bath & Spa Waterborne Interior Paint - Matte Finish 532
From $47.99 - $109.99

Aura Waterborne Exterior Paint - Flat Finish 629
From $47.99 - $117.99

Aura Waterborne Exterior Paint - Low Lustre Finish 634
From $47.99 - $589.95

Aura Waterborne Exterior Paint - Satin Finish 631
From $47.99 - $117.99

Aura Waterborne Exterior Paint - Semi-Gloss Finish 632
From $47.99 - $117.99

ADVANCE Waterborne Interior Alkyd Paint - Pearl Finish K792
From $43.29 - $102.99

ADVANCE Waterborne Interior Alkyd Paint - Semi-Gloss Finish K793
From $43.29 - $102.99

Aura Waterborne Interior Paint - Matte Finish 522
From $47.99 - $109.99

Aura Waterborne Interior Paint - Eggshell Finish 524
From $47.99 - $109.99

Aura Waterborne Interior Paint - Satin Finish 526
From $47.99 - $109.99

Aura Waterborne Interior Paint - Semi-Gloss Finish F528
From $47.99 - $109.99

From $8.49 - $424.95

Benjamin Moore Paint Extender 518
From $22.99 - $47.99

Waterborne Ceiling Paint 508
From $37.99 - $414.95

Stays Clear Acrylic Polyurethane - Gloss 422
From $45.39 - $147.69

Stays Clear Acrylic Polyurethane - Low Lustre 423
From $45.39 - $147.69

ben Waterborne Interior Paint- Matte F624
From $35.99 - $74.99

Ben Waterborne Interior Paint- Eggshell 626
From $35.99 - $374.95

ben Waterborne Interior Paint- Semi-Gloss 627
From $35.99 - $374.95

ben Waterborne Interior Paint- Pearl 628
From $35.99 - $374.95

Benjamin Moore REMOVE 315

Benjamin Moore RESTORE 316

Benjamin Moore BRIGHTEN 317

Benjamin Moore CLEAN 318

Fresh Start DEEP Based Primer K04604
From $30.99 - $69.99

Fresh Start High-Hiding All Purpose Primer K046
From $37.09 - $408.19

From $40.19 - $101.09

Aqua Lock® Plus Primer/Sealer AQ-04XX
From $29.99 - $68.19

Seal Lock® Plus IL-6800
From $30.99 - $77.99

Prime Lock Plus PS-8000
From $30.99 - $74.99

Stix® Waterborne Bonding Primer SXA-110
From $39.19 - $97.89

REGAL Select Exterior High Build, Low Lustre 401
From $41.99 - $105.99

From $41.99 - $105.99

REGAL Select Waterborne Interior Paint - Ulti-Matte 552
From $38.99 - $474.95

REGAL Select Waterborne Interior Paint - Eggshell 549
From $38.99 - $474.95

REGAL Select Waterborne Interior Paint - Pearl 550
From $38.99 - $474.95

REGAL Select Waterborne Interior Paint - Semi-Gloss 551
From $38.99 - $474.95

Ultra Spec 500 — Interior Flat Finish 535
From $62.99 - $279.99

Ultra Spec 500 Interior Low Sheen Eggshell Finish 537
From $62.99 - $279.99

Ultra Spec® SCUFF-X® - Eggshell F485
From $99.99 - $499.95

Sample Pot

Colorantic Chalk Paint

REGAL Select Exterior High Build, FLAT(K400)
From $41.99 - $105.99